Nuff said. They're all princesses |
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Sunday, 29 May 2011
You see now pukul 2.31 am. My bro go out somewhere-where-the-hell-i-know. So I heard there's a big football game tonight. I don't give a fuck :>Downloading Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part 1. 30% to go :D Yeay. Taktahu lah akan jadi ke tak movie ni. Yep. Penat dah den menunggu -.- Hm hari ni cm rasa tak sihat. Bad mood. Nak Tumblr pun rasa cam sakai. Worst feeling ever. Bye x
Last but not least, |
Saturday, 28 May 2011
1. Bungee jumping
2. Having latte with soulmate somewhere in London
3. Meet Ron Weasley, the king of all time
4. Make my own song
5. Going to a concert
6. Getting propose underwater somewhere in Hawaii
7. Seeing a wishing star
2. Having latte with soulmate somewhere in London
3. Meet Ron Weasley, the king of all time
4. Make my own song
5. Going to a concert
6. Getting propose underwater somewhere in Hawaii
7. Seeing a wishing star
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
24. 5. 11
"Nadiah :DDDD"
"Kau tak cakap apa apa pun kat aku"
"Asal? Hari ni bukan birthday kau"
"Birthday aku hari ni lah"
"Manada. Birthday kau esok, masa Science paper 1. Kau yang cakap hari tu"
"Hahah yelah. Aku silap tengok tarikh tu."
"Lah yeke?! Kau ni! Aku dah memang ingat birthday kau. Aku tengah tunggu science lah nak wish kau ni. Aku mana tahu tarikh masa tengah kabot exam ni. So. Happy Birthday!!!!! Aku sayangg kau!!" hug
"Hahahah thank youu!"
You're amazing just the way you are.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
If we were walking home together I would
[x] Hold your hand
[x] Push you into a bush
[x] Trip you
[x] Hop on your back
[x]Run awayafter i rape you in the bush
[] Chit chat
If you kiss me I would
[] Slap/yell at u
[x] Kiss you on the cheek
[] Blush and smile
[] Keep walking
[] Keep quiet
[x] Hold your hand
[x] Push you into a bush
[x] Trip you
[x] Hop on your back
[x]Run away
[] Chit chat
If you kiss me I would
[] Slap/yell at u
[x] Kiss you on the cheek
[] Blush and smile
[] Keep walking
[] Keep quiet
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Meet Atiqah. & yup ^ NADYRA. On her last year birthday party :') |
This is the cutest sisters pic ever! |
This is Atiqah's birthday post :) She's a big girl now ;) Hahahah. I've got nothing to say. I love you. You love him. Him love I. Eh? Eh? Lol. Don't take it srsly ;) Hahahahah. Bad Nadiah~ Bad Nadiah :P um Atiqah Nadhirah Shaharul Azam, will you marry me? Happy 15th Birthday. Looks like I'm older than you? Yikes. Ok like srsly aku takda idea :O I'm wishing you the bestttttt of the besttttt. I hope you'll be the besttt #2. #1 is me, obviously. K bye. I'll hug you tmr! :D x
I amik this pic cus you look hot ;) |
& i amik this pic cus OMG I love it |
Is eating nuggets. Damn so good ;D Tengah buat folio Geo. KENA BUAT SEMUA BALIK. For real, sumpah aku dah siap. but then cikgu semak & ah. Shit kena start dari awal. Dah lah aku delete semua document yang berkenaan acah acah dah siap en. Kalau tak delete- boleh lah copy paste sikit. Jadah. I'm hungry. Bai
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Habis koko jadah semua tu. Aku lepak dangan Farwi somewhere dekat roundabout depan sekolah tu. Baring baring looking at the sky. Wah so lawa. Suddenly, Siti Tonggek cakap ada anjing. I was like vgvtgre. Then i saw 'something' keluar from a car. It was RACOOOON! "Weh tu anjing lah" "Hotak. Nampak tu kelabu putih, muka pun dah sebiji cam racooooon!" "Bukan lah manada" "wtev. Tu racooooon lah!" :O My God. Racooooon?! In Malaysia?! To be exact Kota Damansara?! To be much more specific depan sekolah KD10?!! Lol.
Monday, 2 May 2011
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Oh kat toilet pun jadilah ;) |
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join me to celebrate this girl on her fifteenth birthday. Yeay. Lol Ain, sorry fr the late appreciation post, you knew that i was so gbvgfhgf busy with schools and stupid stuffs. So lets the party begins! Before that, um Ain... I love you ;) Hihi gatai sunggoh anak mok ni haih. Nuff said. You're the most krazy girl on Earth. Your presence in my life had give me so much effects. Thanks fr that. Your laugh, your jokes, ah you funny guy! Sorry if I ever hurt you. I know i did. Sorry a lots. Happy Birthday Ain! May Allah bless your life. May Allah bless your soul & your dirty mind. 8A's fr the grvthgtv PMR okay?! Love yah sho much♥
Feliz CumpleaƱos Eno!
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Happy Birthday to you, Happy Bigday to you, Happy Bornday to Farrah Nysa, Happppy Burpday to you♥ oh yes she's damn pwetty! |
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No no. Idk that boy but this picture is sho damn shweet that i've got to put it in my blog. |
You have been my bestfriend since i don't know when. Heh. Thanks for being my one and only best listener. Thanks fr every advices. Thanks fr helping me. Thanks fr being the cold shoulder fr me to cry on. Thanks fr not being a fake at all. Thanks fr the jokes. Sorry fr your cry. Sorry fr your sadness. I'm nothing when you need me. Sorry fr that. I'm not good at comforting ppl. Sucks. Thanks a million for being my best friend. I do hope our bestfriendship lasts forever. May you live happily ever after♥
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