Farah Nadiah

Jgn bising.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Head over heels

Everything is fine, kinda love my life
Friends are cool, some are like shit but thats okay

Exams? Cool too.
Kinda tough, but I'm managed to do my best

Food? Wow hell yeah
Decreasing. Watch out people Im going from L size to M

Not enough. So i'm going to bed now.



Call me maybe?
Not now, Carly.

Oh My Life!

Experiment 1
Name: Nurfarah Nadiah Abd Hamid
Class: 4 Rosa
Date: Early May

Problem statement: How to jump from #72 rangking to #44?
Hypothesis: Study hard and smart.
Manipulated variable: Everyone is different
Responding variable: My face
Constant variable: My addmaths result

  1. Less sleep
  2. Less shower LOL no
  3. Less eat
  4. Pray more
  5. Memorize more
  6. Short notes more
  7. Stay up more
  8. Waking up early more
  9. Try hard more, try casuallly NO
  10. May Allah bless my hardwork
Conclusion: Hypothesis is accepted.
Precaution steps: You have to let go your golden 'time to bed!'

Experiment 2
Name: See above
Class: 4 Rosa
Date: Early March till forever

Problem statement: How to lose weight?
Hypotesis: Minimize your amount of food on the plate
Manipulated variable: Everything is delicious
Responding variable: My stomach
Constant variable: Obviously NOT my weight
  1. Eat Sultana, makanan Raja Raja more
  2. Eat Oat krunch, dark chocolate more
  3. Shower more
  4. Look at the mirror more
  5. ^actually look at your body more
  6. Ask your friends are you thin enough LOL
  7. If they say no, say bye to a plate full of rice
  8. If they say yes, say hi to chicken
  9. Sing more
  10. Happy as you are
Conclusion: I think it works well, cause I feel a lot lighter now. Serious shit
Precaution step: Dont care what anyone else think cause it doesnt matter.