Movies with ladies.
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Destroy what destroys you.
Hey guys :)
2012 gonna end soon enough. So I guess this is a last post for this year, maybe. Life's good as always.
Surprisingly I've finished all my homework in just like 3 days. Wow I am really proud of myself. My biology reference book is gone, how should I know where it goes. I think I left it accidentally at asrama. Yeah sadly, I left my sport shoes and Bodyglove shoes there too! Now I hate myself.
I've stopped working at Borders since 18th Dec. A great experience of course. I have a family there, I miss them like hell. I love them too much now.
Literally I'm broke. Just spent RM300 (my PMR reward) on school stuffs. Naaaaah joking, not really. Mini watch RM60. Owl shirt RM25. Tudung sekolah RM15 & RM18. Baju kurung RM39 & RM55. Vinnci shoes RM39. School files and pens RM31. And the rest of it, Cha-time. Yeahman
Remember my biggest plan? Polaroid plan. Yeah plan changed. My mom asked me to buy a digital camera instead of polaroid once I got my salary. Yes, mom it's a good idea. Really
I think I'm gonna get ear cancer, serious shit. I had this earphone stuck in my ears for like a day! haha nice.
I want to go to SESTA, I'm excited. At the same time, can I just die?
My weight is maintained throughout this holidays. But since I quit my job, I think I gained some. Ugh
So this post is literally anything that cross in my mind.
#NP Feel so close
Yet so far.
Ok I love everyone bye.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Dunia tak pernah ramah dgn kita
Hello and good evening to all friends, teachers, time keeper, judges, ladies and gentlemen.
I am here today, being lazy enough to no even look at my bags, wandering what's inside. Duh, homeworks are inside my bags duh. Because I know, ladies and gentlemen, once I open the bags, I'll feel guilty, and I will do them, which was not my number 1 plan.
Actually ladies, I am afraid that I dont even have time to do them. Time is running so fast I cant chase them. But it's okay, life is bettter that way muhaha
I had my day off today. I should've work today (overtime) but I need to rest somehow lol. Working is one of the right choices I've ever made (haha), but pay day was awful (serious) -,-
Yesterday I had my break with two grown ups, it feels weird actually. Haha like for real, they dont talk like us. They talk like grown ups, ah I'm going to be 17, I should've stop kiddie stuffs, gossips and everything.
Hypothesis: The more I live, the more kind of people I meet. Nais ;)
Anyway when I was tidy up children section (which was hell) I found this book. It's really touching. If I have money, I swear I buy 'em. And give it to someone who worth it. Really worth it. Oh a grown up man liked it too ngeh ngeh.
What to buy list once I get the moneyhh:
1 full clothing head to toe (even socks!, you got to wear socks to school, aite?)
2 books (lots of good books I've found) OMG I will buy BORDERS
3 family treat
By the way
I've stop eating maggie for like 4 months now heheh
Saje bagi tahu
Ok bye I love you :)
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Hari ni istimewa sbb hari ni cuti
So far bekerja di Borders. Tak lah penat mana. What! Who am I kidding? Penat wehh kaki asyik berjalan berdiri je. Duduk pun hanya sekali sekala.
The best experience here is that I get to see many kind of people. Most of them are pretty and handsome and nais. Heheh
Cheese tart at the Bees Bakery will be my one and only lunch next time!
Anyway I already browse some book that I'll buy once I get my moneyh.
And I already look through some of the blouses that I'll grab later.
It is such a good feeling.
Just need to work out more with my rakan sekerja though ^^
Have a nice day, sir.
So far bekerja di Borders. Tak lah penat mana. What! Who am I kidding? Penat wehh kaki asyik berjalan berdiri je. Duduk pun hanya sekali sekala.
The best experience here is that I get to see many kind of people. Most of them are pretty and handsome and nais. Heheh
Cheese tart at the Bees Bakery will be my one and only lunch next time!
Anyway I already browse some book that I'll buy once I get my moneyh.
And I already look through some of the blouses that I'll grab later.
It is such a good feeling.
Just need to work out more with my rakan sekerja though ^^
Have a nice day, sir.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
It's 11:11
Make a wish
The first try was a shame. He told us that there were MANY vacancies. I was about to jump when he says,
-How old are you guys?
-Um 16?
-Hm let me see ...
-U got a problem with that? Coz we dont
-Yeah, we only hired 17 and above. Sorrayh
-Yeah, now we are embarrassed. Now lets get out of here
Second pit stop? We see a bookstore. Yeah lets hit there
-Hm akak ada kerja kosong tak? *blink*
-Ada! Banyak sangat. Adik pegi kaunter ...
We were taken to a room. It felt strange. And adult. Yeah, that was my feelings. Then we talked about moneyhh. Lots lots lots of moneyhhh. Yup, deal.
I was hoping I can elaborate this FIRST TIME story better. but I cant. I got to online Tumblr (haha) and tidy up my things from asrama, yup gang, didnt unpack yet.
Hey guys, welcome to Borders!
Wait a minute guys, do you hear that?
*kching $$ kching*
Saturday, 10 November 2012
and I hope to die
Morning the angels of the Earth! Whoops it's 4 o'clock in the evening already... Had a really nice sleep last night after reading House Rules! Tak habis baca lagi, but gotta finish it by tonight. Because tomorrow gotta get my business done. Yup, find job since I'm jobless and I'm moneyless and since it's one of my goal for this year end free time. Not gonna sit home just growing fat. Na ah. Nevertheless, I'm not gonna study as I'm supposed to do since SPM is just around the corner, in fact, I only have two weeks.
sorry mom, for that ^
Anyway, I'd like to congratulate myself for being such a brilliant kid that I managed to get into 5 Bougainvillea (dem I had to Google that spelling). Thanked me for my braveness to study at 3 am in the morning to achieved 6 A's and yup, 1 D. I blame myself for that D. Actually I blame myself for evrything. Studied at eleventh hour. And yet time waits for no man. I decided to NOT study some of the Addmaths killer chapter. Yup they ate me, fiercely. Dont judge me but, I thinks those Addmaths quetions were easy. It were all basic chapter questions. But since I DID NOT study, yup cry baby cry.
Friends as always, adorable. Some of them have been there with me and tried their best to get me to the top. Some of them just simply, trying hard to get me down. And yes, I did fell. HARD
What I learned through this whole big fat cute year 2012 is that;
1. You need to study, earlier
2. Respect others. Seriously. And what I learned here in SESTA is that, NO ONE respected me :)
3. Trust no one. Seriously, not even your flawless so-called-bestfriend. Dont. Just dont trust them. Everybody talks. And they talk way too much.
4. Never ever slap a friend on her face, or you just might lose your bestfriend.
5. Dont give much of your love, they might kill you behind your back.
6. Dont be a victim of bullying. Fight for yourself
7. One who gossip with you, will talk about you, endlessly.
8. Some jokes are not jokes.
Many of my friends decided to move out next year. Cant handle situations, they said. I gave up sometimes, cried in the showers, cried myself to sleep, but I dont know how, dont have the simplest idea of why I managed to put myself together, move on and get ready for another shit to fall from the sky. I wonder where I got the spirit to STAY at school. Frankly, SESTA is cool. I dont understand why people says it's boring.
One morning I was sitting alone in a room, reading an English novel, a friend came up to me
-Kenapa suka duduk sorang sorang?
-Entah, rasa bebas.
I answered simply and truthfully.
Anyway I have #1 World Problemo ie.
Friday, 26 October 2012
Long day
I dont know whether it just me or my blog just deleted all those pictures that I posted.
And it drives me crazy --'
Dengar cerita malam ni tengok wayang. Taken 2 with familia. Yup, the first Taken is family's favourite. Have been such a long time since the last movie I watched in cinema O.O
Final exam was tough, really. Sebab study last minute har har har
Lack of time to write results in lack of ideas to write.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Biolody mode: let's get serious
Okay this one quick post. I'm gonna do Biology's slide for presentation @school. Ah boring...
Hey, guess what? I bought my new best friend!
mp3 sony!
Hey, guess what? I bought my new best friend!
mp3 sony!
and it is turquoise! |
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Ruuuuuuuun for my life!
It was Friday the 14th. Ahh missed! It should have been the 13th, then it should be the most mysterious day ever. but it's okay. who cares really. Muhaha lemme tell you a little story...
One lonely night, approximately at 1145pm, three wasted youngster was out of the club desperately trying to figure out the way back home. they were awfully drunk. one of them, Zenon, who was wearing purple striped long sleeve shirt was dropped off by the group near a bus stop. she can do it herself, she said- after throwing shitloads of leftovers in her small stomach ofcourse. the second mate, Neza was dropped off near a crowded stall, wishing there were no strangers slash thieves slash rapist slash dogs slash anything scarier than her mom and daddy.
The third girlfriend was alone. her way home was a long journey. can she make it? reach home safe and soundly?
i ask you. can she?
she doesnt care. that night needs to end. FAST
she entered her neighbourhood. there was a block of empty dark houses. real dark. she ran as she heard weird voices that came from the house. she ran. FAST. never turning back. suddenly she fell down to the ground. FASTly she swept off the dirt on her clothing. she did the right thing. no matter what happens, dont look back, you nevrr know who might be behind you.
there might be ME behind you, right now ...
(but really- jalan kaki from mcd to haus, ambik masa like 10 minutes, reached home 12am. what u expect, nobody was awake, except for Katy Perry, she's Wide Awake)
(but really- jalan kaki from mcd to haus, ambik masa like 10 minutes, reached home 12am. what u expect, nobody was awake, except for Katy Perry, she's Wide Awake)
okay enough with boring introduction. im lack of creativities since im half dead tired now.
never had sleep ever since i rode the bus to KL Sentral
okay im missing my bed now
wait for me, bed. wait for me passionately, can you do that, hunneyh? x
Arrived at KLS at about 2am Saturday. Joke, 1655 on Friday. Went straight to the public phone, called mama. Informed her that daddy's little girl going home. but before that, gotta get some dunkin donuts. Hm choc, blueberry and raspberry for the effin win!
okay TINGE you got the credit too, for making me undehydrated
cant wait for tmr 11am. gonna go to library insyaAllah, got to do zillions of homeworks. uhhh if i was a mastermind...
anyway, went to mcd. Sundae strawberry plus cornflakes was a perfect combination. i'm already full. but that spicy little red chickens keeps calling me, "come here baby". So i grab some. to fulfill my cravings list. oh yeah, next craving list; PIZZA SUBWAY MINERALWATERWHATHE
songs! gotta downloads a zillion of songs, one of them, the best of all time, Malay song, sang by two Malay man, my two and double, x lain dan x bukaaaaaan *drums* Malique ft Black - Teman Pengganti ~
by the way it was real good time with girlfriends <3
okay now im tired
100% x bermaya
enjoy long night, peeps.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Current Addiction
Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy
Atomic Tom - Take Me Out (iphone video version)
Rizzle Kicks - Get Down With The Trumpets
Dark Side - Kelly Clarkson
Ellie Goulding -Lights
Grouplove -Tonguetied
Esok dah nak balik SM Sains Tapah
Hm don't have the happy spirit to go there since I had this fine life alone at home
But I guess some things can't be change.
Got to accept it.
Have to.
Gotta find job
1. Aircraft maintenance
2. Dentist
3. Lawyer
4. Someone in film industry
5. Someone in a band
6. Owner of a vintage cafeteria with an acoustic stage with a bar
7. Owner of a vintage fashion shop
Gotta find happiness
1. Polaroid
Unfortunately I'm lacking of ideas of writings
So long, partner.
Anyway, to make myself feeling a lots better, here
![]() |
Nampak x? |
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Thursday, 16 August 2012
My diamonds are forever
Ohi o/
It's good to be back
Semalam sampai KL Sentral, hantar Ain to her big brother
Went to Maybank bla3
Wow it's real hard to bukak puasa when a really handsome guy was there infront of me,
eating ofcourse
I just did the most charming thing ever!
Lol I gave a little girl a piece of French fries
She liked it ofcourse
Ohhh there was a book sale right infront of mcd
I chose not to enter the sale area
But I cant resist my love book-waste money feeling
With that yellow board saying RM5 for magazines, RM10 for pretty short novel, RM15 for tough ones
I entered it
First book that caught my intention, "My sister, the superb-"
I looked around
I think that is the only teen novel
I looked around, again
Yeahhhhh I took the b- book
Okay, RM10 done
Bought dunkin donuts anyway
Finally home
Boring tv boring movies
Online till sleep do us apart
Good day tough
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Nothing but a post
Just had some fun with the girls at mcd. It was supposed to be a BIG reunion for 4 Adil.
But yeahhh
So how are you? I hope you're doing good.
Like I am ;)
Dah buat study-list, but the heck I think I'm gonna start in midnight.
Supposed to study during daylight, but yeah missed. I slept. Like a baby.
Right now, I'm real busy searching for background music for Gelanggang Tuk Wali
Yeah man
School is good anyway
Ain is with me
Strawberry milkshake is kinda cool too
You should try it, it's RM2.60
Oh and I'm waiting for Diary of A Wimpy Kid 2
It was on 413 when I had my buka puasa at mcd
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Head over heels
Everything is fine, kinda love my life
Friends are cool, some are like shit but thats okay
Exams? Cool too.
Kinda tough, but I'm managed to do my best
Food? Wow hell yeah
Decreasing. Watch out people Im going from L size to M
Not enough. So i'm going to bed now.
Call me maybe?
Not now, Carly.
Friends are cool, some are like shit but thats okay
Exams? Cool too.
Kinda tough, but I'm managed to do my best
Food? Wow hell yeah
Decreasing. Watch out people Im going from L size to M
Not enough. So i'm going to bed now.
Call me maybe?
Not now, Carly.
Oh My Life!
Experiment 1
Name: Nurfarah Nadiah Abd Hamid
Class: 4 Rosa
Date: Early May
Problem statement: How to jump from #72 rangking to #44?
Hypothesis: Study hard and smart.
Manipulated variable: Everyone is different
Responding variable: My face
Constant variable: My addmaths result
Name: Nurfarah Nadiah Abd Hamid
Class: 4 Rosa
Date: Early May
Problem statement: How to jump from #72 rangking to #44?
Hypothesis: Study hard and smart.
Manipulated variable: Everyone is different
Responding variable: My face
Constant variable: My addmaths result
- Less sleep
- Less shower LOL no
- Less eat
- Pray more
- Memorize more
- Short notes more
- Stay up more
- Waking up early more
- Try hard more, try casuallly NO
- May Allah bless my hardwork
Conclusion: Hypothesis is accepted.
Precaution steps: You have to let go your golden 'time to bed!'
Experiment 2
Name: See above
Class: 4 Rosa
Date: Early March till forever
Problem statement: How to lose weight?
Hypotesis: Minimize your amount of food on the plate
Manipulated variable: Everything is delicious
Responding variable: My stomach
Constant variable: Obviously NOT my weight
- Eat Sultana, makanan Raja Raja more
- Eat Oat krunch, dark chocolate more
- Shower more
- Look at the mirror more
- ^actually look at your body more
- Ask your friends are you thin enough LOL
- If they say no, say bye to a plate full of rice
- If they say yes, say hi to chicken
- Sing more
- Happy as you are
Conclusion: I think it works well, cause I feel a lot lighter now. Serious shit
Precaution step: Dont care what anyone else think cause it doesnt matter.
Friday, 16 March 2012
so sekolah i boleh buat essay guna computer, no big deal
A Gift I Treasured
Friends. Only friends can make you smile. Only friends can make you laugh. And only friends can make you cry. I have a lot friends and I appreciate every single one of them. Some of them are special to me. I call them best friends! Why? Because they’ve been there with me through thick and thin. They catch me whenever I’m falling. They make stupid jokes whenever I’m crying.
I had a best friend once. Her name is Siti Hajar. She was the coolest best friend ever. She used to come over my house and make instant noodle together before she went to school. It was nice to eat instant noodles everyday with someone you love. I remember those late nights we talked about friendship, love, playground, boys and most of all we talked about our future! We talked about it everyday, all over again. It was never too old. I missed those pillow fight we had when I slept over her house. All the happy things a child can have, I had it. But too bad, she left me for a boarding school. She went there for her own good and it was a success for her at that school. I will always wish her luck because she deserves one.
We are all just kids growing up too fast. When I was thirteen, I realize it’s hard to find a true friend. You have to find hard for a true friend. Or you can just simply, wait for the true friend to come to you and says hi. I was gifted with a friend when I was having a hard time in life. She guide me to places where I can see light. Where I can see happiness. She wake me up in the morning with a big smile and jokes. I can never ask for somebody else but her. She knew how to make things right. She know every single thing about me. We share secrets almost like we share the same life! I told her everything that came ascross my mind, even the silly things, and she just plainly laughed at me. We had the same interest in fashion, films and music. She’s good at playing violin. She oftenly asked me to listen to violin songs on ‘Youtube’. And honestly, I love all of them!
When I’m with her, there is nothing I should worry about. I don’t compare myself when I’m with her because we are equal. I don’t feel that I’m lesser than her. She let me be myself. She bring out the best of me. She never let me feel like I’m left out from the ‘group’. I love her, truly and deeply. I don’t want to lose you, Nurain Rahman. You’re my best friend ever. I do hope our friendship will lasts forever and we will grow old together. Good luck in everything, my dear.
This is a mad world. You need someone to hold your hand through this hard life and I have found one. I treasured her, the best girl in my life.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
so I was doing my homework till someone whispers my name. I stopped doing my things and look at the voice. where the hell do they came from? i look at the technology. I said no to her. but she keeps staring at me. suddenly she took her clothes off. I was like, you slut. she didnt stop! I was so pissed at her so I go online for a little minutes. and a little minutes went to a few hours. a few hours went for a several days. in the end, what is homework? I tried so hard to study. but i cant. I cant remember things right now. like something is blocking my mind. i tell ya, thats the worst thing could ever happened to you when exam is just around the corner. really, i just want things to get done. now i understand why brother is having a hard time to study. it's the internet.
Friday, 9 March 2012
King is going away
Hi SMKS10KD. I'm gonna leave you soon enough. Going to a better schoool. No heart feelings, k?
I know babe, we've been together for 3 years+. You know how much I love you right? but you have to understand me baby, sometimes we gotta grab something better and leave the useless one. I know babe, just kidding. I do hope the new school is nice to me. I know babe, you treat me better. You da best babe. You tought me so well. I learned so much from you. Thanks billion for that.
Friends, forgive me for going away. Whoever yg aku beritahu lambat pemergian aku ni, maafkan aku. I hate goodbyes really. *lmao actually en kawan kawan, aku takut Farwi marah nnti sbb nk pindah. Sorry Farwi, yes I shud tell you earlier. but I chose to tell you later later ah. You're the funniest friend Farwi. I do love you and care about you. Study hard k Farwi. Kita akan tetap lawan Bio walaupun dah sekolah lain lain! Fight till bitter end.
To Athirah, I guess you could find someone else nk pi wonda wonda sekolah nnti cari Cikgu Jalil anak Murad pakcik kepada si kembar siam Ahmad & Muhamad anak kpd Cikgu Rohana yg kahwin dgn Cikgu Rostam yg curang dgn Cikgu Suzzzana yg pada masa yg sama bercinta dgn Cikgu Kambing hahaaha. Haaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaah sempuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.
To Faz Agogo Waka Waka, stay genius and confident. I'll always miss our talk together. You can hear me when I'm falling, thank you! I love you. Go go!
To dearest Sabine, you're one pretayyh ladddyy! Being a glamorous friend to me is such an honour! Pls jaga baik baik hati kau. Find a better boy yg tak gila and worth it. okay? I'll always be your Bangla hottie ;p
Nisoooo, stay true and positive like you always do! I'll always admire you for being such a strong person no matter what. Thanks for fighting for me *you know what I'm talking about* Heheheh I love you sayang! nanti bila bila holydayssz kau jgn nk ngada ngada busy dgn homework lah apa lah, kita date dua dua pi curve beli baju, mcflurry, tengok wayang okay! tau tau
Ano, awwwww I'll miss you! 4sure, not gonna lie ;p Heart is fragile, dont you ever give it to someone who's gonna let it go. Move on Ain. We're in the same team! Lets move on togeder geder! :D Boys will always be motha-f. Hihihi. You're waaaaaaaaaaaay better than all of those kampung aliens! Diorang dari kampung, you have to understand, maybe diorg kena culture shock? Hahahah that's why perangai tk berapa nak baik :) I'm gonna miss you bitch. My nigga! My dawg! Ohhhh masa ketiadaan aku, tgk kan Abang Comey tauuu ;p dan Batman! Jokeeee ;p
My old wishlist;
-dresses @ Ikano
-polaroid camera
-colourful bangles
-new pants!
-ohhh and scarf!
The latest wishlist, pls come true;
-blaja rajin rajin. Jgn smpai result teruk smpai kena buang. Malu weh malu. Srsly malu doh. Mana nk letak muka yg dah sedia ada huduh ni. amboi
-mintak RM200 per month from mama! :D duk asrama mesti ah duit manyak enn. If mama bagi RM100+ pun dah cukup nk beli buku Ferrari that I saw the other day. FUUUUU. I tell you what, once you saw this Ferrari book, trust me, you will never ever wanna let it go. Never. Nevaaahh
-Srsly nevaaaaaaaah
-Please, for the love of Future result Addmaths, catch up lerhh chapter 3 tu. Adoiii
-Find friends. OMG NO. Not boyfriends ;)
-Jgn kena buli. Elehh aku badan besar. Apa takut... Momok
-Tabah menghadapi hari hari tanpa mendengar melodi melodi akustik, lagu dan sbgnya. Alangkah bosannya hidupku nanti. Confirm gila nnnti. Hm I'm gonna be lame.
-Dont be lame. It sucks trust me.
-Jgn call mama nangis nangis nk balik
-Get ready syiling banyak banyak nk call mama.
-Blaja addmaths. As stated earlierrrrr.
Bye chaw muah.
I love you all. Forget me not.
Call anytime, buddies!
President of Ugly Angels & Co.
Raja Sekalian Rakyat approves this message.
Monday, 6 February 2012
Hi sixteen.
So hi. This is a very special appreciation post because today is my birthday ahahahaha :) So this post is just for me. For what I did for myself since I was born.
Dear self, you have been an amazing self since like forever. I know that you messed up so much, but thank you for still being strong no matter what. eventho there was time that you cry your heart out because you can't take it anymore. It's okay, I know that kind of feeling. I always had it.
Dear past-self, I miss my childhood very much. I know you miss it as much as I am. The feeling of running around at the playground, touching people when playing kejar kejar, the feeling when you are afraid when someone's gonna find you when playing hide and seek. Ahh it was the best time of my life. Thank you for being a naughty daughter for your mother. Thank you mom for beating me up when I wasn't listening to you when you ask me not to play in the rain, or worst playing polis entry wants to jaga polis mati pencuri jaga in the rain! Ahahaahah
Dear present-self, thank you for being a hardworking person. Thank you for making my parents proud. Ecececeh. You'll make it through the tough time, I'm sure. Forget about the boys who is not fighting for you and who is not worth fighting for. Thank you for forgiving my enemies. Thank you for being such a jerk sometimes.Thanks for this fat body. but I will change this fat bastrd into idk, someone prettier I guess. but I'm gonna need some time. but I'm sure it will gonna be nice for you and me. I promise. but at the very bottom of my heart, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for the interest in fashion ahahah. You've changed a bit in style. And vintage suits you! Please be extra careful when you're using money. You need to save some a lotss of money okay in order to buy lots more vintage stuff and Forever 21 shoes! And for heaven's sake, please continue your biggest plan of the century, no-eat-rice-for-a-year-but-eat-pizza-and-prosperity-beef-burger-almost-everyday.
Dear future-self, please find your ambition. The real one. Not the one which gonna make you happy but no money :( Ahahahah but i think Air craft maintenance engineer is okay what. but i think it's a guy job. lol. its okay I can handle it with gaji permulaan RM6k wut. I know you love money, self. Marry money! Not useless guy. Seriously. If it is legal, marry the money. it will make your life happy forever!
Well Happy Birthday self. Be happy, create memories, enjoy little things, be nice to everyone, smile to everyone, make money for everyone whutttt no way ;p
I love you no matter who you are. And I will never hate you. Even if you are a bitchy sometimes, normal lah. Seriously girl. I love you. Whenever you feel lonely, remember, I will always be by your side, forever and always. You can count on me :) I love you, you are my one and only girl. Stay strong.
And make money.
Hugs and kisses,
Farah Nadiah
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Friday, 27 January 2012
There are too many junk in this world. Well speaking as a junk. OMG what am i talking about
Have you ever feel like all the things you've been carrying all this time hilang begitu saja? Yeah I had that feeling too. It was the best feeling ever True story.
So I'm taking Pure Science. LOL I hate science. But most of all, I hate Physics. I tried to love you, Mr Phy but ohhh there's nothing interesting about you! Besides I dont understand you at all. You're a junk.
Subjek yang paling tak dminati ialah
-Physics. (seperti yang telah dimaklumkan)
Subjek yang patut wajib mesti dicintai kerana subjek ini harus ditekankan jika nak jadi seorang Aircraft engineer
LOL besides saya dapat buku practical Physics Andika Saputra Junaidi lol. Bukan calang2 orang kay yang dapat buku dia ;p
Antara sebab rumah Nisa paling hebat
-Jiran sebelah dia bagi password Wifi.
Antara sebab rumah Nisa tak jadi hebat
-Jiran sebelah dia tak bayar bil Unifi.
Sebab untuk pindah sek
-budak form 5 lame HA HA
Sebab takyah pindah sekolah
-Masa PJK boleh main tarik tali badan dalam kalangan perempuan
-tak dapat tawaran ke mana mana maktab / asrama penuh punggg.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Friday the 13th
LOLOLOLOL this is a special appreciation post for Nabil Nizom / Tamadun Nizom / Bil Budak Baru / Bandar Baru Bangi / Bayu. It was his birthday. We did a little bad thing to him kah kah kah. Okay stop pasal Nabil since he's going to asrama fuuuuuuuuu.
Yeahhhhhh Friday the 13th was also my first cry in 2012. Kata dah janji no way nak nangis for this whole new year so i guess nothing can be promised! Baha really, I dont have to cry though. Even when they break me apart. Waaaaaaay apart. Ughhhh it was all because of you Mr casanova, you little bitch sweet talker! Asshole lololol. Hahahaha I've read a quote on Tumblr "I'm the nicest asshole you've ever met". Well yes dude, you're the nicest asshole I've ever met!
Merentas damansara was awesome. I told Farwi that I want to be in Top 10 runners. The beginning was okaaaaaaay. 10 minutes later, what is water. So I started to jalan jalan, I lost Farwi. I was all alone. Faz Thirahtonggek semua kat belakang ;p but I still keep running... chasing my dream... there is hope... I know it... Whoooooooops! I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT
Wiggle wiggle wiggle it yeah!!
You better run better run woaaaaaaaaah 82th! After four years in kd10, never got in the Top 150th. Finally after loads of hardwork walaweh.
K tu je.
Hm bye.
Monday, 23 January 2012
-nadiah is a negative person.
Whatever I do I will always think that the outcome is gonna be bad. He told me that I'm negative. I said no way. But hey, I am. And I'm not proud of it. Ugh bila fikir balik hell yeah aku yang selalu ada problem dengan orang. I'm hard to forgive. Yes to err is human, to forgive is devine. But once you go wrong, you will always wrong. I wanna change. but heck no, people will always do mistakes, so I am. then i guess, i should just be myself. crazy retarded self. even some of them may hate me. i should stop thinking in a bad way. think positive. anyway i'm 'on the way' to be friend with my exbff. so yeh it's time to forgive. lol actually dah lama forgive. it's just hard to talk to her lulz
am I enjoying my life? hm not really. there's nothing that I should joy all the way about. nothing. no money. yes money is MY #1 problem. baha i can live without money but yes i want more. extra. i'm gonna stuck in school for two years. I'm so jealous to see the freedom in my brother's hand. he have everything lol whaaaaat. yes freedom. he got car. he can travel anywhere he wants. while i'm here waiting for mom and dad to give permission to drive em. i'm dying each day watching Mini cooper passes by. really. i saw two mini cooper each day, approximately. really.
I am now saving money for Avril Lavigne's concert and my birthday partaaaaaaaayh! OMG this gonna be the best sweet sixteen party ever! Well yes hari tu tak tengok Mark Fosterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fuuuuuuu. I shud know that Ain is the biggest fan of Foster the people. Y U NO TELL ME EARLIER. I had to pass the concert sbb i thought none of my friends suka FTP. Nisa's birthday is just around the corner. lol jk. Langkah birthday aku dulu weh. She's go gaga over Avril lavigne so I thought it will be nice to buy her tickets for the concert. Am i the best friend ever? lol but surely tkkn pegi punya that concert. sbb duit. like i said earlier. lol first world problemo. but harap harap la duit cukup :)
anyway, save 6th February 2012 for my birthday okay. Tempat paling hebat dan mewah untuk sambut my bestday party is @Domino's Pizza. Yes paling mewah -,- idc really janji sedap. hahahaha tapi en en en berdasarkan permerhatian aku, Domino's jauh lagi shodap drpd Pizza hut, obviously. Dan the good news is ----------- Nurfarah Nadiah lawa yang akan belanja korang!!! tapi en en en en takkan la birthday girl nak belanja her guests lololololol. Semua dijemput okay. Satu keluarga dijemput! bawak makcik tokyah opah kakek kanda nenda adik baby yg baru lahir, semua dijemput. korang order la banyak mana pun, aku belanja! no worry. lmao. jangan weh, jangan buat perangai. budget aku bawah RM100 je ni. seriously jangan. jangan surprise kan aku dgn bawak satu kampung taw. seriously aku dah takut ni. dan Ezlan Zulkifli my twins, see you there! i love you bro. xxxxxxxx amboiiiiiii ;p
k chaw muah
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Big Fat Liar
-Stand up and tell me what you want to be when you grow up
-A doctor.
-A successful doctor.
-Pakar bius.
-Cipta vaksin.
-Cipta roket.
-Ahli ekonomi.
-Penagih tegar.
-Pakar otak.
-Ahli forensik.
-Doktor sakit pondan
One girl dah ready nak cakap apa. Dia dah set in her mind;
"I want to travel the world. I want to talk to people and I DONT want to do anything related to science. My dad supports I to take course Mass Comm. bidang penyiaran so saya boleh jadi wartawan pegi buat liputan kat tempat tempat hebat, gaji boleh tahan. Kalau setiap bulan gaji simpan, berdikit-dikit dapat jugak 1 Ferrari. Saya juga nak tulis novel tentang my real life yang penuh pancaroba ini. Saya nk bukak cafe saya sendiri yg ada stage untuk orang nyanyi nyanyi akustik. Sy sendiri pun boleh nyanyi kat situ and kalau saya ada tuah kemungkinan besar sy akan jumpa future husband sy kt cafe saya LOLOLOL"
The girl stand up and said
-Pakar bius.
LMAO. She dont even know pakar bius buat keje apaa. Ya Tuhan, guide her.
Monday, 2 January 2012
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