-nadiah is a negative person.
Whatever I do I will always think that the outcome is gonna be bad. He told me that I'm negative. I said no way. But hey, I am. And I'm not proud of it. Ugh bila fikir balik hell yeah aku yang selalu ada problem dengan orang. I'm hard to forgive. Yes to err is human, to forgive is devine. But once you go wrong, you will always wrong. I wanna change. but heck no, people will always do mistakes, so I am. then i guess, i should just be myself. crazy retarded self. even some of them may hate me. i should stop thinking in a bad way. think positive. anyway i'm 'on the way' to be friend with my exbff. so yeh it's time to forgive. lol actually dah lama forgive. it's just hard to talk to her lulz
am I enjoying my life? hm not really. there's nothing that I should joy all the way about. nothing. no money. yes money is MY #1 problem. baha i can live without money but yes i want more. extra. i'm gonna stuck in school for two years. I'm so jealous to see the freedom in my brother's hand. he have everything lol whaaaaat. yes freedom. he got car. he can travel anywhere he wants. while i'm here waiting for mom and dad to give permission to drive em. i'm dying each day watching Mini cooper passes by. really. i saw two mini cooper each day, approximately. really.
I am now saving money for Avril Lavigne's concert and my birthday partaaaaaaaayh! OMG this gonna be the best sweet sixteen party ever! Well yes hari tu tak tengok Mark Fosterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fuuuuuuu. I shud know that Ain is the biggest fan of Foster the people. Y U NO TELL ME EARLIER. I had to pass the concert sbb i thought none of my friends suka FTP. Nisa's birthday is just around the corner. lol jk. Langkah birthday aku dulu weh. She's go gaga over Avril lavigne so I thought it will be nice to buy her tickets for the concert. Am i the best friend ever? lol but surely tkkn pegi punya that concert. sbb duit. like i said earlier. lol first world problemo. but harap harap la duit cukup :)
anyway, save 6th February 2012 for my birthday okay. Tempat paling hebat dan mewah untuk sambut my bestday party is @Domino's Pizza. Yes paling mewah -,- idc really janji sedap. hahahaha tapi en en en berdasarkan permerhatian aku, Domino's jauh lagi shodap drpd Pizza hut, obviously. Dan the good news is ----------- Nurfarah Nadiah lawa yang akan belanja korang!!! tapi en en en en takkan la birthday girl nak belanja her guests lololololol. Semua dijemput okay. Satu keluarga dijemput! bawak makcik tokyah opah kakek kanda nenda adik baby yg baru lahir, semua dijemput. korang order la banyak mana pun, aku belanja! no worry. lmao. jangan weh, jangan buat perangai. budget aku bawah RM100 je ni. seriously jangan. jangan surprise kan aku dgn bawak satu kampung taw. seriously aku dah takut ni. dan Ezlan Zulkifli my twins, see you there! i love you bro. xxxxxxxx amboiiiiiii ;p
k chaw muah