Farah Nadiah

Jgn bising.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Long time no talk macha

First and foremost, you need to know that I am under pressure. Yes, air pressure. You got it right --' No, actually you're not. I am under pressure of these bullshitties trial papers. I am now like 49.9% ready. Not even half ready. I decided not to study today because I accidentally looked at the jadual trial and now I realized that all nine subjects is not gonna be taken on the same day! I bet you knew about it. Saya telah mindset kan diri saya bahawasanya nanti saya dah takda masa nak belajar during trial. That is why I am under pressure. Sekarang ni saya dah sedar Alhamdulillah, tu lah yang sempat jari ni menari nari taip essay dalam blog.

Secondly, I need to go right now.

LOL bye kau-orang

Oh lupa

Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir & Batin
