Farah Nadiah

Jgn bising.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Rise of the Planet Snakes

After enjoying our recess time, Nysa and I took the short cut and when up to our class. When we were there, on the third floor, there was nobody. Well that's weird. Are we the first? =D Then we go through the third floor. There was nobody except us. I saw Bedol infront of my class. He was looking at the pond infront of the koperasi. There was a huge crowd down there.  Suddenly they all shouting.

I saw a few boys stepping on something that was moving. It was black, long and sliding like a snake. You dumbass! It is a snake! but it was so little. I think it was a baby snake. The boys playing with the snake. WTF boys! Kill it lah! All of them pijak-pijak the young creature. The head of the snake naik ke atas. You know like, you're playing seruling and the snake move like ~ 

It was scary and funny at the same time. The boys held the snake with their hands. One of them trying to kill it by pushing his palm on the snake. Lastly, after minutes of horror, one brave man, who saved the day, killed the snake by *IDK! I was talking to Bedol!* Crowd clapping loudly. Izzat, a friend of Housen screamed like an idiot. But I joined him anyways.

What if the mother snake come and murder the heroboy? 

Credit title: Nysa