Farah Nadiah

Jgn bising.

Friday, 16 September 2011


-Hey ugly.
-How there you call me ugly. I'm an angel.
-Yes, you're an ugly angel.
-Whatever. In my kingdom of sky, ugly means beautiful (:
-Wek. You're not even an angel. You're just ordinary princess of sky and Bangladesh. While I'm the princess of heaven :>
-Heaven is not exist! It's only exist in your mind. While the sky, oh you can see it. Big wide blue sky and it's mine.
-If you are real angel of sky, make it rain.
-Hahaha look! It's not raining.
-We angels do not force the sky to rain. They can do it anytime they want (:

30 minutes later it's raining cats and dogs.Plus, banjir @ Sg Buloh etc. WOW. AM I THAT POWERFUL? :D